Let’s share our recipes, many handed down from generations before us. Buon Appetito

Mommamia’s Easter Sweet Pie

Crust for two pies

2 cups AP flour

2 large Tablespoons shortening

3 egg yolks

½ cup sugar

2 tsp Baking Powder

½ cup milk

Work flour and shortening as for pie crust (meaning, use a fork or blender to form a substance that is similar to pea sized clumps). Add remaining ingredients and work to add flower until sticky. Turn onto a board and knead lightly – adding flower as need to produce a dough that is not sticky or too dry. Refrigerate before using. 

Basic Filling for one 9- or 10-inch pie

Blend together 2 pounds Ricotta and ½ pint cream

Add1/4 cup sugar, ½ teaspoon each cinnamon and lemon rind. And ½ cup milk

3 egg whites with ½ cup sugar beaten to form soft peaks – fold into the ricotta mixture

Add citron or chocolate chips – optional 

Bake 350 until golden (no time given)

 This pie can be filled in the center with either lemon or vanilla custard. Layer and bake 325 ºF for one hour. Buon appetito!


Check out this wonderful assortment of authentic Italian Recipes. There is something for everyone and every occasion. Use the link below


While you are cooking, don’t forget to play Italian music. The selection below might just be perfetto!

Nonnie (Louise Bonito) is a 107 year old Italian American viral sensation.

“Nonnie” (Louise Bonito) is a 107 year old Italian American viral sensation. Click on the link below of this great Italian cook, as she cooks and shares advice on not holding grudges.


Aunt Patricia’s very easy and also very popular Amaretto Balls

WISH member, Colleen’s recent sauce for the grandkids…

WISH member, Colleen’s recent sauce for the grandkids. “There is no recipe-I’ve been doing it from muscle memory since I was six.”